So you are looking to buy a container? Nice and easy right... for ninety percent of customers it likely is, your standard green or blue shipping container straight from the seas will do you well - but sometimes you need something extra, something more akin to your specific needs.
We frequently get customers looking for a storage solution that can hold certain types of materials or product, however often aren't quite sure if it is possible to get.
We have put together a list of all the container types you can get alongside examples of some bespoke units we have worked on previously.

Standard Storage Container

The obvious go to for most businesses and individuals, the tried and tested, safe and secure, Storage Container.
Shipping Containers as most people know them, have doors on one end to allow access, they also come in varying sizes, with 20ft Containers being the norm. Other common sizes are 6ft, 8ft, 10ft, 30ft & 40ft lengths.
Side Opening Storage Container

Side Opening containers are exactly what they sound like - containers that have doors on the side. They still feature the traditional doors and locking system as a normal container, but they also have larger full length doors that run down the side of the container. These can be folded open to give full access to the inside of the container.
Standard sizes on these units are 20ft & 40ft.
Tunnel Storage Containers
Tunnel containers hold a very similar style to the standard units. However rather than having a single access point on one end of the unit, there are also doors on the opposite end too. While these units may seem similar, having access from both ends of the container can open up a large number or uses and generally make them more attractive to buyers. These containers come as 20ft & 40ft standard.
Open Top Storage Container
While they may sound counter intuitive, Open Top containers are incredibly useful for transporting large cargo that may not fit in to a traditional boxed unit. Often used in industrial cases, large machines or parts, that may need to be loaded from above rather than from ground level. Due to their niche uses they aren't a container that we typically run in stock - that being said, they certainly serve a purpose and can be highly useful in the right situation. These units come as 20ft & 40ft standard.
Refrigerated Storage Containers
Refrigerated Containers are the saving grace for many food oriented businesses - these units are used daily to transport goods up and down the country without them going off.
Unlike standard containers, these refrigerated units are temperature regulated allowing food and other goods to be kept cool for long periods of time.
These units typically come in 20ft & 40ft lengths however we have supplied smaller 10ft units in the past.
COSHH Containers
COSHH Chemical Store Container provides a durable and secure solution for storing substances that pose a hazard to health, while ensuring full compliance with rigorous industry safety standards. These units offer a safe and secure store for any and all chemicals that may be required on site.
With built in drip tray, drain and extra ventilation, COSHH containers assure users and materials are kept safe to a high standard. With a large number of COSHH containers being converted from standard shipping containers, these units can be found in various sizes - though usually 10ft is the standard.
High Cube Containers

High Cube Containers serve to fill the need for a taller storage solution. While all standard sized containers are 8ft6in tall, High Cube containers give an additional foot of space taking it up to 9ft6in.
Most container types will often have an option to come in High Cube for an additional cost - these containers can be recognised by their signature taping on the top corners.
Half Height Containers
Quite literally the 'little brother' of the standard shipping container, these half size containers are the perfect answer for businesses that are limited on space or maybe don't quite have the room for a standard container.
With the ability to stack these units they have seen incredible success within the offshore and energy sectors, being used for pipes and other bulky/long materials.
These units typically come in 10ft, 16ft, 20ft & 24ft lengths.
Bespoke Storage Containers

A large section of our business is dedicated to transitioning existing containers into a customer bespoke design. We often get customers looking to have insulation, windows and doors fitted into traditional containers. While it comes as an additional cost, this service can help you get the exact product you desire.
Looking for a service like this but unsure where to start? Let our team help from the planning stages through to delivery day. Contact us today.

In Conclusion
Containers are simple in design - They stand tall (or short) and keep your goods safe. It's hard to argue that they aren't one of the most reliable pieces of kit for a business. The hopes are, this article will show that containers are more than just for storage and that any industry in the world can benefit from owning (or hiring) a container, be it Refrigerated or Side Opening.